Bring features press 2 times to open up the Nexus 7 machine with kernel
Click 2 times to open the machine is a pretty new feature and convenient, especially for a large tablet screen as Nexus 7. However, the Nexus 7 2013 by default does not have this feature, to get it, you have several ways, such as installing additional software support, or rather would have built another kernel. Myself kernel support rather than because of stability, as well as better performance is due to software support. As shown in this article I will talk to the kernel ElementalX, Nexus 7 version for 2013.
In addition to bringing feature click 2 times to open the screen as they slipped to unlock many features or the other. Details of opening off-screen:
Refer to details ElementalX here: xda-developers.
2 times more features click on the screen to open the screen
Slide from right to left hand side of the screen (virtual keyboard area) to turn off the screen
Slide from left to right hand side of the screen (virtual keyboard area) to open the screen
More: Bring features press 2 times to open up the Nexus 7 machine with kernel ElementalX
More: Bring features press 2 times to open up the Nexus 7 machine with kernel ElementalX
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